Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Instructions for DALEKS on the Archimedes, version 3.40 03-Oct-1992.
This is a public domain version of the game Daleks. This
originated on the Macintosh, was converted to the Atari, and now its'
on the Archimedes. See the file ST_Daleks for more information about
The game:
The aim of the game is to destroy all the daleks. There are three
ways of doing this:
o Make daleks run into each-other, creating a pyre
o Cause a dalek to run into a pyre
o Use a sonic boom
At each turn the player may do one of four things:
o Move into an adjacent cell, or stay still
o Teleport, to a random place on the board
o Use a sonic boom
o Last stand
After the player has gone, every dalek will move one cell towards the
players' new position on the board. The players' game is over when he
collides with a dalek, or runs into a pyre.
When all the daleks in one sheet have been killed, a new sheet is
started with even more daleks.
SONIC BOOM: This kills all daleks within one cell of the player, but
ignores any pyres. Sonic booms accumulate at one per
TELEPORT: This transports you to a random (empty) place on the
board. Of course this isn't guaranteed to be safe!
LAST STAND: This will cause the player to stand still until either
they die, or the sheet is completed. Only use when
absolutely sure it's safe to.
Changes v3.30 --> v3.40:
RO3: menu help, save desktop, Sprites22
Push centreing
Probability off
Demo caution
Changes v3.21 --> v3.30:
Shows probability that you will die if you teleport on the status bar.
Now your man sprite is displayed when you die.
Daleks never start on top of each other.
Demo mode.
Changes v3.10 --> v3.20:
Can now specify auto-centering for sheet/teleport/move separately.
Changes v3.00 --> v3.10:
ADJUST click on a high score table window sets the current document to
those game parameters, with appropriate warnings if a game is in
Better last-stand handling
Changes v2.00 --> v3.00:
Now fully wimped, that actually runs faster, with less flicker. In
fact, it may be a bit TOO fast if you turn off multitasking. But you
can't have too much speed, can you?
In order to make this game run at a reasonable speed when there's
~100 daleks, (and reduce the horrible flicker of v2.00) the graphics
used to animate the man/dalek movement are pre-generated. This takes
a while, and needs to be re-done every time you change screen
mode/palette. However, since it DOES speed the game itself up so
much, it's a small sacrifice.
Mouse controls:
Move: SELECT on arrows around player
SELECT on player to stay put
Sonic boom: ADJUST on arrows/player
Teleport: ADJUST anywhere else
Last stand: Use the menu item/keyboard shortcut
(this is deliberate)
Key controls:
789 left up, up, up right
654 left, stationary, right
123 left down, down, down right
S sonic boom
T teleport
L last stand
SPACE restart game
G toggle grid
A toggle arrows
H highlight player
C centre window on player
^C toggle auto-centreing
^H toggle auto-highlighting
^M toggle multi-tasking
^P toggle push-centreing
^S toggle auto-centre at start of sheet
^T toggle auto-centre after teleportin
D toggle DEMO mode - computer-controlled player
Demo: (D)
This toggles a computer-controlled player demonstration. Use of
this stops any score getting on the high score board. It's a fairly
simple algorithm: first of all move towards the centre of gravity of
all daleks. Then if can't move, sonic boom, or teleport. Then home
in on the nearest pyre & stay near it.
Highlight: (H)
This option is essential on large boards. It goes through several
frames of animation that home in on your current position. There are
several types of animation.
Automatic highlighting (^H) is useful to find yourself at the start
of each new sheet. In fact, I'd say it was essential.
The rates dbox can be used to tailor the number of frames of
animation. This is necessary for, say, the spiral type as the default
number of frames is far too small. Also, if not multitasking, then
you'd want to increase the frames as it does it TOO FAST!
Centreing: (C)
This scrolls the window until the player is in the middle of the
window (or as close as can get - because player is near the edge of
the board). Once selected, the window will "home" in on the player.
It is difficult trying to re-size the window while this is happening,
but the effect is worth that small sacrifice.
If auto centreing (^C) is selected, then after each move, the
"center" option is automatically selected. This can be distracting.
A better option is push-centreing (^P). As a player nears the edge
of the window, the player is automatically centred. Thus you can
always see your immediate neighbourhood.
It is now possible to automatically centre after a teleport/new
sheet. For playing on very large boards, it is recommended that these
later two are enabled and auto-centering disabled.
Change the centre rate to "1", and you will ALWAYS be in the middle
of the screen, but with only one "scroll". A better working value is
"2" or "3".
On the status bar is a figure showing the probability that, if you
were to teleport, you would die. A value of 1.0 means you will
definitely die --- every single cell on the board is "covered" by a
Dalek or a pyre.
A value of 2.0 means that, on average, you will die one in two
times if you teleport. Thus high values mean you are "safer" ---
because the board has fewer daleks on it. Thus you can now say "Only
use a sonic boom if probability < 4.3", say, adding a bit of spice to
the game!
The probability calculation takes into account the daleks, pyres,
and the edges of the board. Because it slows the game down, there is
an option of turning it off, by clicking on the skull-and-cross-bones
on the status bar.
View.Grid: (G)
Well, look at the sub-menu - I got a bit carried away! The colours
even work in 256 colour modes, which was decidely non-trivial. Just
look away from the bottom left pixel of the screen on a mode change,
and you'll be alright :-)
The cross-hair MAY look better in multi-sync modes. In non-square
modes you just get a blodge.
View.Arrows: (A)
I should have allowed the arrows to move along with you, but due to
the extra time it would take to generate the frames of animation, sod
it (+ quite a bit more memory). Maybe in version 4 :-)
Note that if arrows are disabled, you can still move by clicking in
the cells adjacent to the player.
Changing the background colour necessitates a recalculation of the
sprites. In monochrome modes, selecting a "grey" colour doesn't work,
because the cell size isn't an integer multiple of the dither pattern
size. So stick to pure black/white.
This dbox allows you to change the sprites AND the cell gaps.
There are three families of sprites that are distributed with
Daleks. Just select the one you want.
Cell gaps:
The pixel gaps between cells. Reducing these can help to fit the
whole board to lie on the screen, without any scrolling.
Frames of animation:
Read the on-line help.
If you reckon the sprites are crap (and you'd be in the majority),
then design your own and send 'em in so everyone can benefit. Look in
the Sprites file, and you'll see some sprites prefixed "a_", the same
set prefixed "b_", etc. If you just create the next set, then Daleks
will automatically know about them the next time it's loaded. Easy
eh! Just make sure the "dalek" sprite has the palette/size/mode for
the whole group, and everything has a mask.
For multisync/mono/RO3 users, if there exists a "Sprites22" /
"Sprites23" file, then this will be used in preference.
Since you HAVE to scale sprites according to their mode and the
current screen mode, it is almost trivial to add on a user magnifier
as well. So I did.
Not much use, unless you're partially sighted, then just scale it
up by a factor of 2-4 and get mega chunky graphics! Be warned though,
these magnified sprites are stored "as is", so take up quite a lot of
View.Multitask: (^M)
This option causes Daleks to hand over control back to the wimp
inbetween each movement/highlight frame of animation.
With multitasking enabled, you can't do certain actions while
others are still in progress, e.g. teleport while moving. Wait until
the move has finished, then teleport.
If you're using the keyboard, it's probably better to turn off
multitasking, as it makes the game run quite a bit faster.
New game:
Using this dbox it is possible to create your own "games".
Note that these values are used to determine what high score table
you get on to. So change these and you go onto a DIFFERENT score
High scores:
A separate high score table is noted for each type of game.
The high score file is always written to when someone gets a score,
but not loaded. So don't run two or more versions of the application
The highscore file is protected with a CRC, so no manual editing!
It is possible to remove a high score table. This is usually done
after mergeing a lot of very poor high scores from version 2. Note
that you are NOT given a second chance, so be VERY CAREFUL.
Pressing ADJUST on a high score window sets the current document to
those parameters. This is very handy.
View, New game:
These are for a multi-document version of daleks. But who needs
multiple documents of daleks?
Misc.Save choices:
This saves everything, even your name! It is highly recommended
that you use this option, as resetting parameters each time you
re-load is a big pain.
Misc.Load choices:
This is more useful in the multi-document version of daleks. But
who needs multiple documents of daleks?
Misc.Merge v2:
This merges the v2 Dalek score file(s) with the current high scores.
However, for this to work you *MUST* edit the !Run file inside v2.00
*AND* then run it. This is because Daleks3 needs to read the system
variable "Daleks$Dir". Unfortunately the v2.00 !Run file "UnSet
Daleks$Dir", and so this (last) line must be commented out by sticking
a "|" in front of it. OK. Got all that. Good.
Also note that because this was a quick hack, the number of disc
writes to the new scores file is humongous. So do it to a RAM disc.
Don't have v2 and v3 on separate floppies - you'd die of old age.
Best Scores
(40x23) 7.10. 460 1:1:1 = (16) 12140 Gary
(40x23) 7.10. 460 1:1:8 = (18) 15060 Cy
(80x50) 50.10.1000 1:1:8 = (22) 31860 Cy
Simon Huntington - Interface module
Nick van Someren - BugView
Acorn - Archimedes / RiscOs / BasicV
Frank Zappa - Musical entertainment
I am Cy J Booker, dwelling at:
86 Church View
Main Road
Kent. BR8 8JW
Public Domain:
Er, now for the blurb that no one reads:-
This program is still free. If you paid any money for it then you
were ripped off. I accept no responsibilty for this program or its'
documentation. However, I am not adverse to accepting cash donations,
for those who feel so inclined.
This program and documentation is Copyright © Cy Booker 1992.
If you're a library/bbs/magazine and wish to distribute this, then
contact the author.
If you want the source code then send us a disc.
v1.00 09-Oct-1990
Version the first.
v1.01 02-Dec-1990
Updated library files, and put into separate folder. Still no
256-colour support - can't be naffed. Unlocked all files.
v1.02 27-Dec-1990
Squashed source code to make it run a bit faster, included source
as an archive. This meant didn't have to mess around with Library
files. Also means should load a LOT faster off floppy.
v2.00 30-Dec-1990
ARM-Coded the main program - this makes it a LOT faster. Also
cured that one bug. ** MUCH ** Better way of specifying sprite /
board size. Also can now play Atari ST version - non-accumulating
sonic booms.
v3.00 05-Jun-1992
Even though it's Wimp-ed, because of a better algorithm its faster
than v2. Lots of features added to make the most of (and overcome
some limitations of) the window'ed approach. Cured bug in 2.00 of
sonic booming last remaining daleks on a sheet.
v3.10 07-Jun-1992
Last stand: No delay, or graphic effect if die, cured redraw bug if
select sonic boom from menu, and bug when change game parameters.
Added ability to set game parameters from high score window.
v3.20 08-Jun-1992
Can now determine center after teleport/sheet/move separately
v3.21 26-Jun-1992
Update this !Help file
v3.30 02-Jul-1992
Cured redraw-when-die & start overlap bugs
Added demo mode
Added probability that will die to status bar
v3.40 03-Oct-1992
Support for RO3
Query entering Demo mode
Can now turn off probability assessment
Highscore window position saving more reliable
Two known bugs:
o if multitask & sonic boom FROM MENU, and a dalek is
PARTIALLy visible, then the screen gets corrupted.
o multitasking Demo mode: screen corruption when sonic
or leave demo-mode
Won Ton On!